Version 5.08.03:•Modified on December 5, 2014.•Fix one bug in the Internet-based version. Version 5.08.02:•Modified on Novemebr 25, 2014.•Reactivate the Internet-based version. To create a new account, please click here.Version 5.08.01:•Modified on February 26, 2014.•Allow the User to use SMART phone to obtain the Activation Code.•Add Scene-based Training Protocol.•Add Beta Learning by Listening Module using Scene-based Protocol. Version 5.07.01:•Modified on October 19, 2013.•Add No Home Task Mode and Configurable Full Screen Mode.Version 5.06.01:•Modified on October 3, 2013 for Activation Server Migration.•Fix one minor bug during automatic activation process caused by an unknown error in the Yahoo Server. •Add favorite training session. The program allows the users to save their commonly performed tasks (either preview, training, or test) into favorite folder. The user can directnly open the favorite folder and click the saved task to start the training or testing instead of browsing through different module, group and tasks for specific task. It is quite convenient if the users have favorite training sessions across different modules. The favorite management button is located in the right bottom of the screen.Version 5.05.01:•Modified on January 3, 2013•Add customized training setting for individualized training. Detailed instruction on how to set up individualized training configuration can be found in the “Customized Training” panel in th top menu. •Allow to directly modify the RMS of sound wave to address the low volume in some laptop computers. To use this feature, click the “Volume” button in the bottom right corner to enable and specify the RMS level for the sounds used in the training (Default is 65 dB and maximum custom value is 85 dB to avoid the peak clipping).•Add some new re-designed response buttons for better visualization. Version 5.04.02:•Modified on December 12, 2012•Add more “reward” animations for feedback. •Add real-time pitch adjustment to increase the variability of speech signals for training. Also, add randomized pitch and time adjustment during one session. The indication of real-time time and pitch adjustment is also better visualized in the screen.•Fix some minor bugs in the program.•Add a few cartoon figures in the background image. Version 5.04.01:•Modified on December 3, 2012•Add animated “reward” feedback. •Fix a small bug when prevewing a subset of database. Version 5.03.03:•Modified on November 12, 2012•Add version requirement control for new advanceced modules. For example, auditory resolution module requires version 5.02.01 to work properly;•Allow automatic detection of the module updates (for existing modules) so the users can be aware of the critical update for existing modules. For example, if there is one configuration error in one particular module, the program will automatically detect the change once the update is uploaded to the server. The program will remind the user to download the latest update for this particular module only;•Add positive feedback mechanisms. “Applause” or “hand clapping” sounds will be played after correct response. Animation or other kind of positive “reward” feedback will be implemented in the future.Version 5.03.02:•Modified on November 2, 2012•Modified update management with improved automatic downloading function;•Check the Angel Sound usage (times and minutes) by clicking “Update” button.Version 5.03.01:•Modified on October 29, 2012•Remote server login for data sharing and remote access.•Allow the data synchronization between local PC and remote server.•Fix one minor configuration error in musical note discrimination task in music module and preview mode in rhythm task of auditory resolution module.•Fix one minor error when switching between result/help view and module view.Version 5.02.01:•Update the module management for the better view of existing and new modules.•Add advanced psychophysical training procotols to support the NEW auditory resolution training. Module.Version 5.01.01:•Angel SoundTM initial release version from Emily Shannon Fu Foundation.